Is your engagement on Instagram going down?

The social media channel Instagram has grown phenomenally since its launch in October 2010, as a photo and video-sharing social media channel. It was launched by Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger for IOS

It is currently owned by Meta Platform

It was in Jan 2011 that the channel launched #hashtags to help its users to discover a particular photo or video posts as well its various users. It was in Dec 2017 that the channel allowed users to follow hashtags that helped them to follow the posts of their interest or people etc. These hashtags were meant for specific purposes however, its usage got misused by nonrelevant hashtags on individual posts, be it static posts or videos, etc.

The term “shadow ban” seems to have originated on the website something awful. Shadow banning is also called as ghost banning, stealth banning, or hellbanning. It is a practice of blocking (fully or partially) a user or a user’s comments from certain sections of the online community.

Once shadow banned the performance of the social media posts is affected; most notably the engagement rate. Are your shadow banned? How do you know if you are shadow banned? Well, follow the below steps to check.

How to know if you have been shadowbanned?
  1. Create a new post by using a new hashtag.
  2. Request a friend who is following you on instagram to “unfollow”.
  3. Request your friend to check if they are able to locate the post using the hashtag.
  4. If your post is seen, it means you HAVE NOT been shadowbanned.
  5. If your post is NOT seen, it means you HAVE been shadowbanned.
  6. After this test do not forget to request your friend to “follow” you back
  7. Do you wish to know more on Shadowban? Contact us

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