How to fix a #shadowban?

Oflate is your reach of Instagram going down? Is your organic reach slowly coming down? Is your new fan followers decreasing?

If the answer is yes, there are chances that your account has been shadowbanned. There are several ways to check if your account has been shadowbanned. Please follow these simple steps to see if your account has been shadowbanned.

#1 Delete banned #hashtags from previous posts.

#2 Do not post for a couple of days.

#3 Try using hashtags in captions rather than comments.

#4 Customer reviews would help give credibility to your business

#5 Contact Instagram if the problem persists.

#6 Avoid using banned #hashtags in future.

#7 Remove “ghost” followers.

#8 Do not use unauthorized scheduling softwares.

#9 Follow Instagram’s Terms of Use

Do you want to know how to check if a hashtag is banned on Instagram , do read here

If you need a #dynamic #socialmediaagency in Dubai, UAE, kindly contact us at:





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